Thursday, December 4, 2014


A. I think by (Micheal Wines,2014) is the most logical source because its not one sided. It shows how Micheal brown attacked the police officer before shooting.

B.The source that appealed to my emotions the most was It shows a picture of a police officer hugging a little boy. This just shows that when our country is in a hard condition how strong the community comes together.

C.  The source that seems to have an author that is very educated is by (Micheal P. Jeffries 2014) because he uses very strong words and describes the seen very well and makes you intrigued and makes it easy to read.

D. I know a lot more about the case now. Before I didn't know that micheal brown attacked the police officer and that is why he shot him. Know it makes a lot more sense.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Night Blackout

swallowed up
 in the silence
a creature
 with eyes dead white as sightless as
 in a dull glass bell.

Mood vs tone

McCarthy's tone in the passage is apathetic whereas the mood of the text is haunting. McCarthy's description, while vivid ,lacks emotion. McCarthy's describes the two as " pilgrims in a fable swallowed up and lost among the inward parts of some granitic beast"(1). He is blunt and detached from these individual's situation. Conversely, the mood of the text is almost the opposite as the description inspires fear and tension. The creature "with eyes dead white and sightless as the eggs of spiders" swings its head low over the water as if it to take the scent of what it could not see"(1) The creature physical description is terrifying and seems to be aware of the intruders who have entered his space.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Text-to-Text connections

I think a big connection between night and Persepolis is lose of faith. Elie loses faith in God because the concentration camps was so bad and he believes God didn't help him get out. In Persepolis She thinks she is the last prophet but when people make fun of her she loses faith.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Persepolis blog post number #1

Faith ,trust, and hope

As a young girl she believes she is a prophet and that God has chosen her. She has lots of faith. As people began to laugh at her she's starts to think that maybe she isn't the last prophet. When people ask her what she wants to be when she grows up she responses normally by saying she will be a prophet but after she loses faith she says that she will be a doctor.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Black boy poem

Letting go,
  from having no money
Letting go,
  from moving each month
Letting go,
   from being forced into religion
Letting go,
   from working jobs as tough as nails
Letting go,
   from feeding off the scraps of what's left
Letting go,
   from stealing to survive
Letting go,
   to being a nameless black boy
Letting go,
   from the discrimination of the south
Letting go,
   to set free up north

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Compare and Contrast

In the two Poems "Between the world and Me" and "The South" They compare lynching to the south and how terrible it was for the black community. Hughes writes "Scratching in the dead fire's ashes for a Negro's bones"  while Wright wrights "And the down and quills  of the white feathers sank into my raw flesh,I moaned in my agony. In The south it talks more about the culture of the south and how Hughes liked the south but it didn't like him back, so he has to move north. Also he uses personification by giving the south human characteristics. Between the World and Me talk all about the lynching. Lynching was so awful for the black community because and any moment it could be them being killed instead of them watching which makes it so frighting for them.  

Friday, October 24, 2014

Night #2

While in the Auschwitz camp all faith and hope is lost.On page 77 Wiesel explains how he is starting to lose faith in God. He doesn't understand how this is happening and thinks that God should stop it."I suffer in hell my soul and my flesh. I also have eyes and i see what is being done here. Where is God's mercy? Where's God? How can I believe, how can anyone believe in this God of Mercy?" (77) In the beginning of the camp Wiesel and his dad say that to survive threw this camp they need to keep faith in God and have hope. As the camp gets worse and worse Elie doesn't believe in God anymore because of how harsh and terrifying the camp is.

Night explication

While in the Auschwitz camp all faith and hope is lost.On page 77 Wiesel explains how he is starting to lose faith in God. He doesn't understand how this is happening and thinks that God should stop it."I suffer in hell my soul and my flesh. I also have eyes and i see what is being done here. Where is God's mercy? Where's God? How can I believe, how can anyone believe in this God of Mercy?" (77) In the beginning of the camp Wiesel and his dad say that to survive threw this camp they need to keep faith in God and have hope. As the camp gets worse and worse Elie doesn't believe in God anymore because of how harsh and terrifying the camp is.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Night Blog #1

Faith trust and hope
Weisel coming into the whole situation has lots of faith and hope. He thinks that it will all be good if he just keeps praying and having hope that he will get out. As the situation gets worse he stops beveling that he will get out alive and losses all hope and faith.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Night Anticipation Guide

I agree most with when faced with death, a person is justified in making selfish decisions because you get so scared of dying that you will do anything not to die. especially with younger kids, they will be so scared of dying that they will tell the people in charge anything just to survive. 
I disagree most with a person can survive anything as long as they have hope because its very unrealistic and if they really want to kill you no matter what the consequences are they will kill you.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Writting territory #3

Mn Wild Hockey

Minnesota Wild hockey started yesterday. I was very curious to see how they would do against the Colorado avalanche, who they went to game 7 against last year in the playoffs. Also they got Thomas
Vanek out of free agency who is one of the leagues best goal scorers. The Wild came out strong and dominated the Avalanche the entire game getting a 5-0 win and getting off to a great first game of the season. Mn Wild Hockey is BACK!  

Friday, October 3, 2014

Writing Territories #2

Water Skiing
Jet skis 
Lake vermilion 
Out doors 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Family Story

I didn't find out until about 5 years ago the my grandpa took part in the Korean war. He tells stories about how scary some parts where and how fun others where and he had one of the scariest jobs there where! His job was to go up as close to the enemy as possible and radio back where they where so that the army could use altelarary  against the enemy. One of the funny stories is that the army would give the soldiers cigarettes but my grandpa didn't smoke, so he would sell them to other soldiers and my grandma would checks and the mail and had no idea why she was getting money until my grandpa got back from the war.

Pitch paper Rehash and Reflection

1. One area is a better thesis, another is to find better sources, and i want better word choice.
2. One thing I feel good about is that i have a personal connection to the topic. Since my grandpa had ALS and died of it i fell that my paper will be better. Also i now a little bit more about the diseases because he had it.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Falling and Flying

Knowing family stories shapes someone's identity significantly, I wouldn't be the person I am today if i didn't know any of my family's stories. If you are limited to access of family stories I believe that you will not be as close as you could be with your family members. I believe that Rachel is going to fly now.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Acrostic Poem

Representing what remains
Accidentally surviving from a
Cynical event
Harassed by tamika
Exposed by grandma
Losing hope

Names Matter

I like my first name because its very rare and unique, I have never met another Bram. My parents named me Bram mostly because my 2 older siblings names start with a B so they needed one more B. My middle name is just passed threw generations, my Brother ,Dad, and Grandpa have it. I have the nick name Jimmer because i really liked a basketball player named Jimmer Fredette and the kids on my hockey team started calling me that. I also like my last name a lot because its not very common either.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

What are you?

If i got asked the question what are you I would say a 15 teen year kid who wants to make it in life. I don't believe that society is making them pick a side because I believe they can be what ever they want to be. Society is not making them put a label on to say what type of race they are. If they are mixed between white and black they can say im white , or im black, or both, they could say anything they want to there is no restrictions.  Durrow says her favorite answer for the question what are you is im a story and im sure you are too.

Beauty Videos

In both the video Lupita Nyongo and looks aren't every thing/Cameron Russell the women address the issue of beauty is not just the way you look but also the way you act and live however, Lupita Nyongo focuses more on the color of her skin while Cameron Russell focuses more on beauty isn't just the way you look its on  a lot of other things.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Connecting Quote, Question, Comment

1. "Grandma was the first colored women to buy a house in this part of Portland." (ch.1 pg.5) This connects to The Grace of Silence because Michel Norris family was one of the first black family to move into her house in an all white neighborhood.
2. I don't understand why every chapter has someone different tell their story. It becomes very confusing.
3.I notice a recurring topic of how it is very hard to be accepted by others because of being black. In School its hard to be accepted and in public which is very hard on ones self.


1. I think 11 things you should know about the Micheal Brown shooting by German Lopez is the most balanced and logical because its not picking a side or saying who's right and whose wrong its just telling the story. The source is very factual and logical because there is quotes from what the officers said as well as the family. (German Lopez,2014)

2.  The source that applied to my emotions the most was I'm black,My brothers white...and he’s a cop who shot a black man on duty” by Zach Stafford is very emotional because of race his brother will never be as close as they once where. (Zach Stafford, 2014)

3.In the source “Ferguson Isn’t About Black Rage Against Cops. It’s White Rage Against Progress” by Carol Anderson, Carol Anderson seems very educated towards the subject. She relates the topic to many things including the civil war and how hard it still is for blacks.

4a. A powerful connection between #FERGUSON and the children march is how into the movement the people got. They were not going to take no for the answer.

4b.A noteworthy  difference between #FERGUSON and The Grace Of Silence is Michel Norris dad being shot manly because of his skin color was not as big of a deal but in today's world it will be all over the news, media, and the news paper.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Writing territory post #1

Every summer i go up to my cabin almost every weekend. My cabin is a place were you don't have to worry about anything, you don't have to worry about what the score of the football game was or a big conflict back home you just have fun with family and friends.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Michele Norris writing territories

 I was very surprised how bad the racism was at that time. Her dad being shot  because of his race is very disturbing , people thought that they could do what ever they wanted to people of different race and it all would be Ok. Just the every day stuff we do that we take for granted, Michele Norris and her family couldn't do. "The day still has not arrived when you get integrated and really feel like you are accepted" (p.28ch3)  

writing territories

Brams writing territories:
1. Lake Vermilion in July
2. water skiing 
3. Hockey
4. chocolate chip cookies  
5. sports
6. family
7.wild hockey 
9. jet skiing
10. summer days on the lake
11. airplanes 
12. boats
13. music 
14. friends season
16. world cup 
19. vacation